

Steve guitar shirt Fender Stratocaster web design web development web hosting content management University of Arkansas Fayetteville Arkansas Razorback

I grew up in a small, rural town where the primary occupations were farming and ranching. When I was a teenager I did my share of hauling hay, herding cattle, cleaning horse stables, feeding chickens, and gathering eggs. The most important things I learned while growing up in rural America were hard work, dedication, honesty and integrity. I now live in the city but I will always love the country and wide open spaces where you can clear your mind. It gives energy and substance to your creativity.

I always did well in school in all subjects, especially math and science. But it wasn't until college that I was introduced to computers. I was immediately fascinated. I could have majored in Computer Science but the creative part of me just wouldn't let go. So at the beginning of my junior year I changed my major to Marketing. I had a wonderful advisor named Dub Ashton who was the Dean of the Marketing Department. He told me stories about ad campaigns he had worked on (some of which you would know) and I knew this was the direction I wanted to go.

After graduating from college, I worked briefly in sales and then became the marketing manager for an electrical equipment company. I continued to study marketing and advertising on my own.

I had been playing guitar in a band for a few years and we needed a web site. (Check out my personal music site here.) I didn't know anyone who could build a web site so I just dove into it with both feet. In early 1995 I built my first web site for the band. I thought it was so cool! Now, I would be embarrassed for anyone to see it. Another musician/singer/songwriter I knew in Nashville saw the site and liked it. He asked me if I could build a site for him. As they say, the rest is history.

WebSite Warehouse was officially born in 1997 though I had been creating web sites for two years before that. I love developing web sites. If I didn't, I would be doing something else. I take great pride in my work and I am pretty much a perfectionist with a few OCD tendencies. It is my goal on every web site project to deliver more than the client expects.

I am also what you might call a "superpatriot". I love this country and all that it means to this world. We were the pioneers of true freedom and it is our responsbility to see that our freedom is never lost.

In my spare time I play guitar in a Classic Rock/Modern Country band. You can see our web site at bordertownband.com. I like to watch classic movies from the 1920s to the 1940s. Movies had character and substance back then. Occasionally, I will find a DIY project to work on like building furniture or upgrading one of my guitars.

My wife and I have been happily married since 1990. We live in the Fort Smith, Arkansas area where we grew up. Our two near-perfect children live in Northwest Arkansas where everything is booming. Both of them graduated from college in May 2017. Our son got a Bachelors Degree in Biochemistry and works for a pharmaceutical manufacturer. Our daughter is a Licensed Counselor for the local public school system. My wife has a PhD in Nursing Education and teaches nurses who are getting their DNP (Doctor of Nursing Practice) degree. I hope to someday move back to rural America and enjoy nature more. With an occasional cruise or road trip thrown in.

how are we different than other web designers?

The success of your web site is our #1 priority and that is why so many companies choose WebSite Warehouse as their web development and hosting company. From a basic informational site to a full-featured content management site with e-commerce, we can put your business in front of more customers.

Take your time to browse our site and see for yourself why WebSite Warehouse should be your first choice for design, hosting and marketing. You have my guarantee of satisfaction or we will make it right!

Steve Lockridge
WebSite Warehouse, Owner
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